Last Call For Ethiopian Christians. Act Before Too Late

Radical Muslims are waging a Jihad on Ethiopia and Ethiopian Christians. This Islam extremism has been largely ignored by mainstream media, organizations and politicians. Radical Islam is advancing within Ethiopia through the support and finance of many Islamic states such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt etc… The attempt to create awareness by many has been largely failed and been ignored. Continue reading

የእስልምና አክራሪንት አደጋ በኢትዮጵያ

የስልምና አክራሪነት ና ኢትዮጵያ
የመብት ጥያቄ በሚል ሽፋን  ከጊዜ ወደ ጊዜ በከፍተኛ ሁኔታ እየተስፋፋና ከቁጥጥር ውጭ እየሆነ  የመጣውና ብዙዎችን ግራ እያጋባ ያለው የሙስሊሞችን ጥያቄ መመርመርና ስር መሰረቱን ማጥናት አስፈላጊ ነው።ብዙዎች ጉዳዩ ከመብት ጥያቄ ጋር በማያያዝ ብቻ ጉዳዩን አቃሎ የማየት ችግር ይታያል። ይህንን ስህተት ማረም ግድ ስለሚል እኔም የማውቀውን  ለማካፈል ብእሬን አነሳሁ። Continue reading

Islamic State: Christians must accept Islam or dhimmitude, or will die like the Ethiopian Christians in video

They say that they are simply executing the judgment of Allah. They refer to this Qur’an verse: “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.” — Qur’an 9:29 Continue reading

UGANDA: Christian Pastor’s teenage daughter brutally gang-raped by 5 Muslim savages because her father would not close down his church

The daughter of the pastor of New Hope Church was approaching the church building at Kiryolo, Kaderuna Sub-County, Budaka District, at about 7:30 p.m. on March 28 when the men took her into bushes and assaulted her, an area church leader told Morning Star News. The site is about 300 yards from her home. Continue reading

Ethiopian Christian Students hide in Churches due to Fear of Beheading By Oromo Fanatics

Oromo Media Network have been instigating fear and genocide against none oromos and Christians throughout Oromia. OMN president, Mr. Jawar Mohammed synonymized Oromo and Islam as one and the same. We heard nothing from oromo community throughout the world to counter this campaign of disinformation. Mr Jawar and his media wing OMN along with government supporters ,have been engaged in eradicating and eliminating none oromos and none Muslims from Oromia region. Continue reading

Islamic State in Libya murders Ethiopian Christians

“A masked fighter wielding a pistol says Christians must convert to Islam or pay a special tax prescribed by the Quran, before the captives in the south are shown being shot dead and the captives in the east are beheaded on a beach.”

“Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth even if they are of the People of the Book, until they pay the jizyah with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.” (Qur’an 9:29) Not that this has anything to do with Islam.

Shhh! Do not speak of this! “Talk about extreme, militant Islamists and the atrocities that they have perpetrated globally might undercut the positive achievements that we Catholics have attained in our inter-religious dialogue with devout Muslims.” — Robert McManus, Roman Catholic Bishop of Worcester, Massachusetts, February 8, 2013

“ISIL video purports to show killing of Ethiopian Christians,” by Jane Onyanga-Omara, USA Today, April 19, 2015 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

A video purporting to show the killing of Ethiopian Christians by Islamic State-affiliated militants in Libya has been released online.

The 29-minute video appears to show militants holding two groups of captives, one by an affiliate in eastern Libya known as Barka Province and the other by the Fazzan Province, an affiliate in the south.

A masked fighter wielding a pistol says Christians must convert to Islam or pay a special tax prescribed by the Quran, before the captives in the south are shown being shot dead and the captives in the east are beheaded on a beach….

Coptic Bishop: Ethiopian ‘Christians Murdered Purely for Refusing to Renounce Their Faith’

Note: Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, issued the following statement today, concerning the slaughter of Ethiopian Christians in Libya. Emphases added.

The confirmation of the murder of Ethiopian Christians by Daesh (IS) in Libya has been received with deep sadness. These executions that unnecessarily and unjustifiably claim the lives of innocent people, wholly undeserving of this brutality, have unfortunately become far too familiar. Once again we see innocent Christians murdered purely for refusing to renounce their Faith. Continue reading

ጃዋር ማህመድ የሊቢያው ግፍ ግድያ ኢትዮጵያው ውስጥ በሜንጫ አንዲደገም ከኦሮሞ ሚዲያ ኔትወርክ (OMN) በመጠቀም አየሰራ ነው::

የኦሮሞ ብሄር ኣክራሪ ድርጅት መሪ የሆነውና የኦሮሞ ሚዲያ ኔትወርክ ፕሬዝዳንት አንዲሁም ኦሮሞ ፈርስት መሪ የሆነው ጃዋር የሊቢያው እልቂት በኢትዮጵያ አንዲደገም የኦሮሞ ሚድያን (OMN) በመጠቀም ሲሰራ አንደነበር ሁሉም ኢትዮጵያዊ ከገዜ ወደ ጊዜ ግልጽ አየሆነለት መጥትዋል::
ኣንገታቸውን በሜንጫ ነው የምንለው የሚለው ኣነጋገሩ በተለይ ኣሁን ሊቢያ ውስጥ ከተፈጠረው ሁኔታ ጋር ብዙ ሰዎች ስጋታቸውን ንዴታቸውን ና ፍርሀታቸውን በመሀበራው ድህረ ገጾች ላይ በመግለጽ ይገኛሉ:: Continue reading

Head bag or hijab is an Ancient Arab Culture. Those Ethiopian women are slaves of Arab imperialism. Arabs call Africans “Abad” which means slave, Equavalent term for calling blacks. sadly, many arabs hate black people, they dont think blacks can be a muslim.slam isa a deadly ideology. And, in fact, Islam is the most racist (and bigoted–against Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Zoroastrians, and all other non-Muslims) religion there is. As I’ve noted over the decades–on this site and elsewhere–Muslims hate Blacks, including Muslims who are Black and regularly refer to them as “abed” (singular) and “abeed” (plural), which is Arabic for “slave,” but is used as the N-word by Arabs and Muslims.

Radical Islamists are hijacking Every Ethiopian Public Discussion Forums ,Meetings,Gatherings and Demonstrations for their own Islamic Agenda

Islamic Radicals are taking over every venue to advance their Islamic agenda in Ethiopia. There only concern is the 17 imprisoned committees. They never cared the worsening human right violation,corruption and lack of good governance in Ethiopia. The voice of ordinary Ethiopians are silenced by those stealth Jihadists who seem to be moderate, nice and tolerant and yet they are the worst of all. TPLF directly cooperating with them by dragging the court due process. This further inflame and empower Islamist on the grass root level . Continue reading

[Video]Haji Nejib Urge Muslim Oromos to take over Ethiopia

Haji Nejib ,the president of first Hejira foundation , had made a well calculated and dangerous statement in Oromo Muslim meeting in Minneapolis. He reiterated that  the struggle of oromos and muslims are one and the same. He intentionally injected factually wrong statistics to galvanize muslims against Christians . He is known to make different statements to different crowds in many occasions.

Many Ethiopian pro democratic and human right activists expressed their disappointment and disapproval of his statements. It sad to hear such hateful and venomous statement from a person who represent the Ethiopian muslim community in general regardless of their ethnic affiliation.

The oromo ethnic  political movement has been a  Nazi style racist narrow political school of thought in which it excludes  none oromos solely based on bloodline. Many Ethiopian christians and none Oromo communities are very much fearful of Oromos .

In the last 4 decades , Statements made by Oromo leaders, writers and  politicians has made it clear the intent of Oromo  liberation front…WIPING OUT  CHRISTIANS AND NONE -OROMOS FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH.

The statement made by Haji nejib is really troubling

[Video ] Jawar Mohamed – Oromo Islamic Jihadist Calling The Expulsion Of Christians from Oromia Region

Jawar mohamed, A fanatic Oromo Jihadist openly calls for the expulsion of  Ethiopians(Christians) from Oromia region. Majority of Oromos do not support and share his extremist view of Islam and ethinic nationalism . He just represents the minority fanatic Bale Oromos.  Jawar’s intention is clear . As he puts it clearly in a number of occasions, His primary goal is to create an Islamic Oromia under Sharia Law.He was heard repeatedly praising Jara, the founder of Islamic oromia Libation  Front. Its an open secret that Jara was responsible for the death of many christian and burning of churches thoughout Oromia. Jara has passed way recently and he was praised as a hero by Jawar Mohammed. Continue reading

Islam is NOT a religion of peace. By its nature Islam is radical, it has no shades.

Islam is NOT a religion of peace. By its nature Islam is radical, it has no shades.

Most people are simply unaware that Islam is NOT  just another religion but a totalitarian political cult-like ideology, which compels its followers into blind obedience, teaches intolerance, brutality and locks all Muslims and non-Muslims in a struggle deriving directly from the 7th century  nomadic, predatory, Bedouin culture.

Continue reading

Time to End Islamic Appeasement?

Islamists have it all over everyone else in the art of intimidation – using freedom in western civilization as a weapon in the battle to rule the world. One reason this practice has been successful is that civilized societies cannot comprehend a doctrine so pervasive in its goal to take over the world that so many non Muslims are unwilling to accept that we are in a war between different worlds. But the threat is not extra-terrestrial; it is a real threat by real people. Continue reading

Will Islam Cause WWIII? By Dr. Robert A. Morey

hen everyone is saying “peace and safety,” sudden destruction will come upon them
(1 Thessalonians 5:3).

With the collapse of the Soviet Empire and the demise of the cold war, the threat of Communism vanished in a twinkling of an eye. The tearing down of the Berlin Wall is one of the greatest moments in human history. Russia is now so impoverished by the arms race that it will take a long time for its economy to recover. Continue reading

Ethiopistan [video]

Radical Muslims are waging a Jihad on Ethiopia and Ethiopian Christians. This Islam extremism has been largely ignored by mainstream media, organizations and politicians. Radical Islam is advancing within Ethiopia through the support and finance of many Islamic states such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt etc… The attempt to create awareness by many has been largely failed and been ignored. Continue reading

Al Shabab – Beheading of Mansuur Mohammed Video

Al Shabab – Beheading of Mansuur Mohammed Video

Somali terrorist group al Shabab (sometimes spelled as Al-Shabaab) spent Valentine’s Day beheading 25 year old humanitarian aid worker Mansuur Mohammed. Al Shabab is a group of Muslim extremists who did not appreciate the fact that Mansuur Mohammed converted form Islam to Christianity so they executed him the way merciful Prophet Mohammed commands – by beheading. The video of Valentine’s Day Beheading was originally posted on pro-terrorist website that supports actions of al Shabab.

Beheading was executed in front of unsuspecting onlookers from the village of Manyafulka in Kenya. The villagers were told that al Shabab prepared a feast for them. Traditionally, villagers thought a sheep would be sacrificed – as is a local custom, instead they’d witnessed brutal beheading of Mansuur Mohammed. Continue reading

Just 300 miles from Addis- Somali Man Stoned To Death By Militants For Adultery (GRAPHIC PHOTOS)

On Sunday, Islamic militants stoned a man to death for adultery in front of hundreds of local residents in Somalia. The man, named Mohamed Abukar Ibrahim, 48, was killed by members of the rebel group Hizbul Islam in Afgoye, 20 miles from the capital Mogadishu, according to the AFP. A second man, Ahmed Mohamoud Awale, 61, who was accused of murder, was shot to death. Hundreds of villagers were forced to watch the stoning by the militants, multiple reports said. Continue reading

The emergence of radical Islam in Ethiopia (1991-2012)

By Johannes Sebhatu: July 3, 2004

The Prophet Muhammed expressed his gratitude for the magnanimous act displayed by the Ethiopians. He therefore instructed his followers to refrain from waging a jihad against the Ethiopians. The instruction had been in force until the coming to the scene of the Ottoman Turks in the 15th and 16th century. They invaded northern Ethiopia, destroyed churches and forcefully converted many Christians to Islam. This was followed by the intermittent invasions and wars of aggression perpetrated by the Sudanese Mahdists and the Egyptians in the 19th century, in which many Ethiopians were killed and many were forcefully converted to Islam by both invaders. Continue reading

Jihad attacks and Islam on the rise

       Considered a Christian majority country, these attacks in 2011 are unprecedented in Ethiopia’s recent history. There have been attacks against Christians in the past but not so large a number of churches attacked and burned. One pastor explains that local law enforcement has failed to take actions to stop the violence and so Ethiopian federal authorities have dismissed at least one lcal official. Continue reading

State Dep’t and U.N. Silent About Latest Anti-Christian Violence in Ethiopia – While the Obama administration cited human rights atrocities in Libya as part of the reason for U.S. and U.N. military intervention there, neither the State Department nor the United Nations have apparently condemned an outbreak of violence in western Ethiopia, led by Muslim radicals. Since early March two Christians have reportedly been killed, more than 3,000 displaced and at least 69 churches destroyed. Continue reading

Al-Qaeda’s Threat to Ethiopia

Like many African countries, Ethiopia is impoverished and under-developed. With an ethnically diverse population numbering just over 70 million, it is also one of Africa’s largest states. Despite being religiously split between Christian and Muslim, historically there has been little animosity between the two major religious factions. But because the country contains a large poor and illiterate Muslim community, it has the potential to become a prime breeding ground for Islamist militant groups. Continue reading

Radical Islamists Plot to Turn Ethiopia Into Islamist State

Radical Islamists Plot to Turn Ethiopia Into Islamist State

by sheikyermami on December 10, 2011

Here and there and everywhere: its them ‘Wahabi Muslims again!

“Radical Islamists?” Ya think? How do they differ from the ‘moderate Muslims’ in your neck of the woods?

A group of Wahhabi Muslims is plotting to turn Ethiopia into an Islamic country governed by sharia law, according to plans recently discovered by the Ethiopian government.

“We have found evidences and pamphlets [which] were publicly distributed during the month of Ramadan calling on the Muslim community to stand up against all non-Wahhabi Muslims and followers of other religions,” said Mersessa Reda, the director general at the Ministry of Federal Affairs of Ethiopia. Continue reading

Radical Wahhabi Muslims Seeking To Turn Ethiopia Into An Islamic State

reported on November 7, 2011
>International Christian Concern (Washington D.C.)-In a recent press conference, the Ethiopian government expressed its concern over the growing violence against moderate Muslims and Christians by radical Wahhabi Muslims. The government also announced discovering plans by the Wahhabi Muslims to turn Ethiopia into an Islamic country governed by Sharia law. Continue reading

Thousands Of Christians Flee Deadly Violence In Ethiopia; Churches Burned

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 (10:00 pm)

Dozens of churches destroyed

130 people detained, official says

By BosNewsLife Africa Service

ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA (BosNewsLife)– Thousands of Christians are fleeing violence in western Ethiopia where Muslim extremists killed several Christians and burned dozens of churches, rights activists and officials said Wednesday March 9.

Advocacy group Barnabas Fund, which supports Christians in the Muslim-majority area, told BosNewsLife that 55 churches and dozens of homes are reported to have been torched in recent days near the city of Jimma, in western Oromia region, “with many more properties looted by the mob.” Continue reading

Radical Muslims Attack Churches in Ethiopia


Muslim radicals in Ethiopia recently burned dozens of Christian churches to the ground. They also destroyed thousands of Bibles. We must replace every single one.

But we want to do even more. We want to send twice as many Bibles as the extremists destroyed. We need your help to make it happen. We are committed to standing with our Ethiopian Christian brothers and sisters. We must spread the Good News, especially among those who hate us!

Continue reading


By LUC VAN KEMENADE Associated Press
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia January 18, 2012 (AP)

Gunmen in Ethiopia’s arid north attacked a group of European tourists traveling in one of the world’s lowest and hottest regions, killing five, wounding two and kidnapping two, an Ethiopian official said Wednesday.

Ethiopia called the attack “an act of open terrorism” and said the gunmen came from neighboring Eritrea and attacked the tourist group before dawn on Tuesday. Three Ethiopians were also taken hostage. Eritrea denied it was involved. Continue reading